Our story.

The world over, in today’s 21st century world Scottish Whisky enjoys an unparalleled measure of success. We, The Angel Share Whisky Company Ltd. are delighted that our brand contributes its unique facets of flavour and distinction to the global market of already exceptional Scottish Whiskies. We are proud to cater to the experienced and distinguished palate. Years of passion and experience collided and culminated in the founding of our company — launched to facilitate bespoke offerings of Whisky from the very best distilleries in Scotland. Our customer service is second to none.

We are committed to not only supply Whisky, but also to do our utmost to help in related matters — be that label design for corporate supply; bespoke packaging; and/or shipping elements to global ports.

What exactly does ‘The Angels’ Share’ mean?
To most non-Whisky clientele, it’s a phrase that has little or no meaning. However, mention it to someone who works with Whisky — and you’ll encounter an immediate and knowing smile!

All single malt Whisky MUST spend at least 3 years and 1 day in a cask. All casks must be made from oak; and sealed and maintained in a distinctive fashion. Over the years, a tiny percentage of  the Whisky evaporates through the wood. Walk into any cask storage facility and you’ll not fail to notice the sweet aromas. These particular aromas are what is known as “The Angels’ Share”.

A selection of our distillery partners.

Our Team

Andrew John Rose-Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Rose has a taste for open air, for sights and sounds and flavours. He’s a people-person — all who meet him connect with his warmth and welcoming ways. Beginning life in the open spaces of Southern England, he quickly developed a taste for the wider world. Travel, far and near, and the people he met, the friends he made, forged a future that led him into the domains of Wine and Whisky.

Wine came first.  In France, the best wines from the great estates in Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne and the Rhone Valley — they all entranced him. Italy next, and then further afield — Asia and beyond.  For 10 years Andrew travelled to see and source the greatest wines and to meet new and discerning clients who shared his passion. His knowledge grew, along with a desire to discover and present to the world the very best of wine and spirits. With a natural flair for business, what began as simple delight, Travel, Wine and Whisky, turned into a career that has now spanned 26 years. 
Andrew’s expertise is vast and varied.  He has helped his clients discover and purchase some of the greatest, rarest, and most coveted bottles and casks of Whisky: Macallan, Glenlivet, Bowmore, Highland Park, Springbank, and many more.

The Angels’ Share Company offers a range of services --Recommendations, advice, counsel. Cask or Bottle?  Bottle or Crystal Decanter?  Label design, shipping options? And more. Global markets await access to the wonderful world of Scottish whisky.  Andrew Rose stands ready.  

Sometimes we plan our lives. Sometimes our lives lead us. For Andrew, his voyaging and friendships all over the world revealed a passion that became a mission — to deliver the best in revered Wines and Whiskies to businesses and individuals the world over. The best product, the best service — these the hallmarks of Andrew Rose and The Angels’ Share Whisky Company. 

Lindsay Page-Chief Financial Officer

Lindsay joined a major accountancy firm, Binder Hamlyn, after graduating from university. Shortly after qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, he became a founder member of the newly formed Corporate Finance team and developed specialisms in investigations, flotations and private equity. He became a partner in Binder Hamlyn and then Arthur Andersen when the two firms subsequently merged. He joined one of the businesses he helped raise finance for, Ted Baker, in 1997 and was instrumental in Ted Baker’s subsequent full listing on the London Stock Exchange and subsequent growth globally for more than 20 years.

Lindsay was successively Group Finance Director, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive of Ted Baker prior to retiring in 2020. Lindsay has over 20 years’ experience as a senior public company executive at Board level. He has wide ranging commercial expertise, both in the UK and internationally, strong team building and leadership skills.

Philip David Lee-Chief Marketing Officer

A Google Partner and specialists in digital optimisation, graphic and web design. Philip supports organisations to achieve business objectives through creative design and targeted online campaigns.

Philip has built his design and digital business experience working for a wide range of organisations and people.

His diverse portfolio includes food and retail start-ups, legal and financial services, building and construction firms, chartered accountants, local authorities, consultants, entrepreneurs and one of London’s oldest charities.

Oliver O’Donovan-Commercial Director

Photography and fine art were his first love. Then came the kick and rush of the London’s City Stock Exchange. University done, Oliver dived into melee of LSE and never looked back.

Zealous and gifted with high-energy, Oliver thrived in the high-pressure tumult. An arena apt for the youth who’d already spent a year being pummelled and bruised on a Rugby team World Tour. In his new field, swiftly, wit and skills were honed and toned. Two years became ten, then twenty.

Word of his high performance and prowess in serving his clients came to the fore. Top firms headhunted the young star.  Magazines came calling.  In 2021 he was featured in the top four UK Financial Newsreels.

The scope of Oliver’s experience is vast: Sales, Securities, Derivatives, Luxury assets  portfolio management. His years of experience in Sales, broking and trading have given him the ability to manage high-net-worth clients and to network with C-Suite level individuals for a variety of fields.

Oliver’s success is rooted in his ethos and character.  He’s positive and passionate in all he engages. He loves people; sharing a common vision and aim. He values honesty and conscientiousness; cherishes connection and variance. But the prize of his life, the bell that rings loudest in his heart is not the LSE clarion chime. His family, his wife, his children — they are the truest treasures — the fount of his joy and prodigious energies.

Steve Golding -Commercial Director

Like his city, London, Steve pulsed with an inner energy and zest for life. Post college, a contract with an International Modelling Company launched him on a global jaunt. Magazine photo shoots, Catwalk fashion shows, a few acting roles… he took it all in stride. Then suddenly he was in his mid-30’s — time for a change in life direction.

Business studies led to almost 3 years in Commodity Trading and Brokerage in London. Having garnered more skills, in 2004, Steve’s curious mind and itchy feet led to shifting terrain. The bright jewel of the Persian Gulf beckoned — DUBAI. In the buzz of the burgeoning young city, opportunity smiled on Steve’s entrepreneurial lean. He envisioned a sassy new business construct — one that would meld his fields of expertise: fashion/luxury product with personal and customised service.

The not-unfamiliar milieu of Beauty & Aesthetics were a natural fit. The proliferation of luxury, world-class Hotels, Spas and Resorts in Dubai were eager for novel and quality 5-star products — new high-standard brands focussed on natural ingredients, optimum health and innovative beauty treatments.

In 2011, Steve established ZaZa Distribution. The company thrived — with contracts for skin care and fragrances in prestigious establishments, including the Jumeirah Group International, Burj Al Arab, One&Only Resorts, Six Senses Resorts, Dubai Duty free, Four Seasons Hotels, etc. In 2012, the National Bank of Abu Dhabi nominated ZaZa Distribution, “Entrepreneur of the Year”; one of the foremost upcoming Business Establishments in the SME trade in the Middle East and Africa region.

Steve attributes the company’s success to his commitment to communication, follow-up, and continually-evolving connection with his associates, clients and staff. It’s his ethos that People are uppermost — serving them well, brings joy.

Charlene Golding -Operations Director

South Africa-born Charlene Golding is known the world over as a woman of Quality, integrity and diligence. She holds degrees in Public Relations and Hospitality.  For 20 years she worked in Management positions with the internationally acclaimed Kerzner Group. Serving as one of his prime lieutenants, hotel magnate, Sol Kerzner, knew Charlene’s capabilities could help him take His newly-built, extravagant PALACE of the LOST CITY to the heights of global renown. In her role as International Public Relations Manager, Charlene achieved precisely that. For 10 years, she served and welcomed and a galaxy of A-List stars of music, screen and stage, Heads of State and more. She facilitated the Miss World pageants — and a thousand other enterprises.

In the late 90’s Kerzner’s roving eye spotted a tiny Middle Eastern state with hungry ambitions to conquer the world of business and hospitality. Hesitating not a whit, he sent in his trusted lieutenants. Charlene landed in Dubai in 1999.
Over the next 10 years she helped forge the expansive Kerzner One & Only hotel empire in Dubai — including each hotel’s Grand Opening. Few who witnessed the spectacular Launch of Dubai’s extraordinary ATLANTIS hotel on Palm Jumeirah will ever see the like again.

Shifting focus, in 2009, Charlene became Operations Director/Owners Representative of a 5-star beach resort development on Palm Jumeirah. Subsequently, with her husband, she launched ZaZa Distribution. Serving the beauty/health needs of individuals, ZaZa sourced and dispatched luxury beauty products for skin and wellbeing to a range of 5 & 7-star Resorts and Hotel Spas. 2020 brought change — a new season; new beginning.  Yet the constant remains: Charlene’s passion for people — and for EXCELLENCE. Likewise, her skills and raison d’etre remain fixed and strong: to serve, to help, to build people and enterprises.